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5 Day Devotional Sunday Sermon X-Mas: What's Missing, Part 3

December 16, 2024

Reflect on God Stepping Into Our World

  • John 1:14

  • Philippians 2:5-8

Devotional Thought:

The first Christmas was the ultimate expression of God’s love. In Jesus, God stepped into our broken world to live among us, experiencing all its joys and struggles. This act of humility and love is foundational to our faith. He is not distant but intimately aware of our challenges.Let this truth encourage you today—Immanuel, “God with us,” has come to dwell among His people and provide a way for us to be reconciled to Him.

Self-Reflection Question:

How does the reality of God stepping into our world through Jesus shape the way you approach your daily struggles and triumphs?


December 17, 2024

Reflect on the Example He Lived

  • Hebrews 4:15

  • 1 Peter 2:21-24

Devotional Thought:

Jesus, though born in humble circumstances, exemplified perfect love, grace, and perseverance. His life was marked by compassion and purpose, even in the face of rejection and suffering. Reflect on how He lived His life for others and never lost sight of His mission. Consider how you can emulate His example in your own life by loving others selflessly and staying faithful to God’s calling.

Self-Reflection Question:

What specific actions or attitudes in your life need to change for you to better reflect Jesus’ example of love and perseverance?


December 18, 2024

Reflect on Our Sin Paid For

  • Romans 5:6-11

  • Isaiah 53:4-6

Devotional Thought:

The manger and the cross are deeply connected. Jesus, the perfect Lamb, was born to take on the weight of our sin. He lived a sinless life and willingly sacrificed Himself so we could be free from the penalty of sin. This incredible gift should stir gratitude and inspire worship.As you reflect on this truth, remember that His sacrifice was personal. He bore your sin so you might experience forgiveness and life in abundance.

Self-Reflection Question:

How does the understanding that Jesus was born to die for your sins transform your relationship with Him?


December 19, 2024

Reflect on the Eternal Life This Baby Gives

  • John 3:16-17

  • 1 Corinthians 15:54-57

Devotional Thought:

The story of Christmas doesn’t end in the manger or even at the cross—it leads to an empty tomb. Jesus’ resurrection secures eternal life for all who believe in Him. This hope is the foundation of our faith and the reason for our celebration.Let the reality of eternity with Christ motivate you to live with purpose and joy today. His victory over death is your victory, and His promise of eternal life is certain.

Self-Reflection Question:

How does the promise of eternal life influence the way you live your daily life?


December 20, 2024

Reflect on the Traditions and Perspective of Christmas

  • Luke 2:19

  • Luke 2:49-51

Devotional Thought:

Mary treasured the moments of Jesus’ birth and His growth, reflecting on them deeply. Just as traditions like family photos can give us perspective on how life has changed and progressed, reflecting on Christmas can help us see God’s faithfulness over time.Take a moment to pause and reflect on what God has done in your life this year and through all the Christmas seasons you’ve experienced. He is with you always, offering forgiveness, purpose, and a reason to celebrate.

Self-Reflection Question:

What are the key lessons or blessings from this year that you can carry forward into the next season, keeping the perspective of God’s faithfulness in mind?




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